Chattop Privacy Policy

I. Introduction

You are welcome to use the Chattop application (hereinafter referred to as the "App"). The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to clearly and transparently explain how Chattop (hereinafter referred to as "we", "us", "our" or "developer") collects, uses, stores, shares and protects the personal information you provide during the use of the Chattop App and related services. We respect and protect your privacy rights and are committed to complying with applicable laws and regulations, in particular the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and Apple's App Store's Privacy Policy.

2. Scope of the Agreement

This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information processing activities in the course of your use of the Chattop App (including but not limited to in-app purchase subscription services). By downloading, installing, registering, logging in, using or otherwise accessing the Chattop App, it means that you have read, understood and agreed to all the contents of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any part of this Agreement, please immediately stop using Chattop App and related services.

3. Collection of Personal Information

1. Necessary Information: When you register, use the App, or make an in-app purchase subscription, we may collect necessary personal information, including but not limited to: • Device identifiers (e.g., device ID, advertising identifiers) • Account information (e.g., username, password, email address) • Payment-related information (e.g., purchase history, subscription status, payment method) • Communication information (such as a phone number or email address to receive notifications) 2. Usage and Interaction Information: • Chat history, query content, preferences, usage time, and geographic location generated by you during the use of the App (if explicitly authorized) • App performance data and crash reports to diagnose issues and improve service quality 3. Other Information: • If you voluntarily provide or connect your authorization through a social media account, we may collect your public profile, friends list, and other social network information • Additional information you provide when you participate in surveys, feedback, contests, or promotions

4. Use of Personal Information

1. To provide and optimize services: We use your personal information to provide you with the core functions of Chattop, including responding to your inquiries, personalized recommendations, content generation, customer service, account management, and the management and fulfillment of in-app purchase subscription services. 2. Data analysis and research: We may anonymize and aggregate your information to understand user behavior patterns, improve App performance, develop new features and services, detect and prevent fraud, and meet internal audit and business operations needs. 3. Marketing and communication: With your explicit consent, we will use your contact information to send information about Chattop product updates, promotions, user surveys, etc. You have the right to unsubscribe from such marketing communications at any time.

5. Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Information

1. Service Providers and Partners: We may share necessary personal information with third parties who provide services such as technical support, data analysis, payment processing, advertising services, etc., and these third parties only have access to your information within the scope of performing service tasks for us and are subject to confidentiality obligations. 2. Legal Requirements and Legitimate Interests: We may disclose your personal information when required by law, to respond to judicial proceedings, to protect legitimate rights and interests (including intellectual property protection), to prevent fraud and abuse, or to protect the personal and property safety of you, other users or the public.

6. User Rights

You have the right of access, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, data portability, opposition to processing, and withdrawal of consent. You can exercise these rights through the settings function in the app or by contacting our customer service. For some requests, we may need to verify your identity to ensure information security.

VII. Protection of Minors

We attach great importance to the protection of the personal information of minors. For users under the age of 13 (or other minimum age as required by applicable law), we do not knowingly collect personal information from their legal guardians unless they have the express consent of their legal guardians. If we find that we have inadvertently collected the personal information of minors, we will take steps to delete it as soon as possible.

8. Data Security

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, alteration or loss, including, but not limited to, encrypted storage, access control, regular security assessments, and employee training.

9. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices, updates to laws and regulations, or changes to our services. Any material changes will be notified to you in a prominent position within the App or directly through the contact information you provide. Your continued use of the Chattop App constitutes your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy.

10. Contact us

If you have any questions, comments or complaints about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us at: Email:

11. Miscellaneous

Addendum: This Privacy Policy follows and complies with Apple's App Store Privacy Policy, which you can learn more about in the App Store.